Voice Dialogue Learning
In small and intimate groups learn with others how the dance of selves plays out in your personal and professional life. Group facilitation, energetic body awareness exercises and individual facilitations are used and learned to help participants gain powerful tools for their professional and personal lives. The focus and flow of each learning group is determined by the needs and personal material of the participants.In these Voice Dialogue, Psychology of Selves trainings I try to closely reproduce the trainings I received from Drs.Hal and Sidra Stone over the many years I worked with them. May these trainings allow you to become a confident, compassionate and deeply embodied facilitator. INDIVIDUAL TRAINING - the training is tailored to your particular needs and strengths covering all the material for Voice Dialogue Level One. the opportunity to practice facilitation under supervision the opportunity to receive facilitation and map your inner Selves consist of four ninety minute teachings/facilitations scheduled to suit your schedule Voice Dialogue Level Two training is also available for those who have completed Level One. GROUP TRAINING -) two or more participants) covering all material for Voice Dialogue Level One.- opportunity to observe facilitations both individual and group opportunity to receive facilitation opportunity to practice facilitation under supervision for those who are interested consists of four two hour sessions GROUP FACILITATION series (four atendees minimim)) Periodically I offer Voice Dialogue three session series covering a particular theme. These are not direct trainings but are a great opportunity to experience facilitations and gain deeper understanding of the process. individual and follow up sessions are always available. For current trainings and workshops click here Find out more. or call or email Iudita Harlan [email protected]. 216-310-4423 teachings are available on Zoom, Skype and by phone. |
Iudita presents workshops and trainings listed below as well as Hellerwork for the Elderly, Sitting with Selves meditation and others. Call or email her to get the latest information or to design a program for your staff, clients or group. Find out more. SELVES TO SOBRIETY A cutting edge Awareness Training based on Iudita's 36 years of observing, studying and gathering the most effective recovery tools proven to support long term recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. Find out more. STOP MINDLESS EATING Iudita's popular workshop uses Mind Body Awareness training to address issues with diet and eating. New workshops are scheduled often and can be taken to site. Find out more. FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS The program trains doctors, nurses and aids in the "how to" of balancing the demands of care giving while maintaining strong self care. Among others, Iudita has facilitated 200+ nurses at University Hospitals, Ahuja Medical Center. Find out more VOICE DIALOGUE STUDIES Through workshops, retreats, intensives and individual training gain the tools to facilitate your clients, patients and teams as well as your own personal and professional growth. Find out more. COURTROOM PREPARATION Preparing witnesses is a specialty for Iudita . Using a positive and supportive approach, witnesses are prepared to show up with the right demeanor, confidence and presentation for deposition, hearing and trial. Find out more |